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Leilani's hope

HEALING through
Trauma-Informed Care Kitchener-Waterloo

Donate now to make a difference! A hand offering a coin, symbolizing your impactful contribution to support our mission.
Joining hands, united in love and compassion. Together, we build a stronger community, one heart at a time.
Open hands, symbolizing Leilani's Hope's mission of providing essential support and empowerment, reaching out to those in need.

Essential Support for Vulnerable Families in KW

At Leilani's Hope, we are dedicated to spreading hope and breaking down barriers to provide essential care for children and families in the Kitchener/Waterloo region. Our mission is to offer seamless access to therapy and medical services, catering to the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of abused children, foster & adoptive families, and at-risk mothers.

​Abused Children Support Kitchener-Waterloo

We believe that no child or family should have to wait or be excluded from receiving the care they deserve. Our goal is to ensure that timely, quality care is available to everyone, regardless of their health benefits or financial status. By partnering with local health practitioners, carefully chosen by our team, and with the generous support of our donors, we make this vision a reality.

At-Risk Mothers Assistance Kitchener-Waterloo

At Leilani's Hope, we connect our clients with qualified and compassionate healthcare practitioners who understand the importance of addressing the body holistically. Our services include manual therapies, counseling, and access to a range of medical professionals as needed. We are dedicated to improving the well-being of those we serve and creating lasting positive impact in our community.

Foster and Adoptive Family Services Kitchener-Waterloo

Help more children and families access quality health care services when they need it.

Your donations directly support these life changing services. 

We are a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency.

  • Are you a healthcare worker interested in joining our network of trusted healthcare professionals in KW?

  • Are you a local  community organization that can help identify children; at-risk mothers or foster/adoptive families who need support?

  • Are you interested in using your professional knowhow (legal, accounting, marketing, special events, fundraising, etc.) to do some good?

Empowering abused children; at-risk mothers,and foster/adoptive families one therapy at a time.

Connecting abused children; at-risk mothers and foster/adoptive families to quality, time sensitive healthcare, regardless of health benefits or financial status.

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